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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

irritation and shizz.

hello earthlings.

tis I, Nadely.

....I wish people would just shut up.  Even the people I love the most, I just want to look at them sometimes and say, 'would you please, shut the hell up? your voice could bend steal, and you're inturrupting Criminal Minds. thanks.'  I mean seriously,....

I have a feeling this whole blog will be me basically bitching about people in general.  Why, you might ask?
SIMPLE! because people suck nards.

I hate it when people talk to me when im obviously busy like writing my very important blog.  hello!  cant you see i'm bitching about you at this very moment?! please go away for 10-15 minutes until i'm done publicaly displaying my immense disatisfaction with you...?  ugh...people.

Monday, December 28, 2009

December 28th, i feel like death.

i'm pretty sure my mom poisoned my coffee.
sooo like her.

it's cold in this house, as always. im hungry, but since my entire morning/day has had me located in the bathroom vicinity, i doubt eating would be a good idea.

i washed my hair this morning in the bath tub....never again.
not only did i knock my left shoulder out of socket, i damn near drowned myself.
what a way to go man.

on a brighter note, i have decided that i am going to decorate my kitchen in cupcakes, and my bathroom Paris themed. now alls i have to do is get a kitchen and bathroom to do said decorations. i purchased a ginormous cupcake cookie jar at the mart of walls earlier this week. 

it was like meeting jesus, i was that excited. along with the cookie jar, i have a 45 inch replica of the Eifle Tower, im so badass some time i amaze myself.

i was supposed to go to KHOLS today and purchase more cuppycake cuteness, but i doubt ill make it tater. ughhh

i think the bathroom is calling my name again, i must leave you now,
ta-ta my lovlies.
